The NextUs 10 Finger Privacy Policy
We’ve tried to keep things as simple as possible, but if we’ve missed something or you still have a question, just hit us up with an email and we’ll clarify anything you want to know!
1. You have the right to be removed from all of our records. Period. Just let us know and it shall be done (though we’ll hate to see you go and may try to talk you out of it).
2. We will NEVER pass on ANY of your personal info without your written permission (and the permission of anyone responsible for keeping you in kicks and threads (ie, your age = less than 18 trips around the sun)
3. We will use the personal info you provide (email, WhatsApp, social handles) to keep you informed of offers, opportunities, and anything we think you’d dig within the NextUs world or about related topics out beyond our digital domain. You can change these settings by letting us know or updating your notifications.
4. We may use anything you share on, www.portal.nextus.ventues, our social accounts & pages, and any of our engaged 3rd party collaborative platforms (that you agree to use) to market & communicate NextUs, our products and services, and the experience to the public at large. In the event we do this, your identifying information will be hidden.
5. Unless you explicitly agree otherwise, all contributions you make through any NextUs Service, site, social account, or engaged app belongs to you, though you can’t hold NextUs responsible for any consequence or infringement of sharing those ideas.
6. NextUs can use any idea, concept, media, content, writing, or recording that is a result of your use of the Platform, any NextUs Service, or interaction for education and marketing purposes.
7. In the event NextUs produces an event, social media campaign, challenge, or other interactive experience where you do NOT retain the rights to your creative work (as may be the case for a sponsored challenge) your explicit permission (and that of your protector) will be obtained before you participate.
8. As a creative and collaborative company intent on increasing user impact, agency, and capability, we continually seek to improve our experiences, content, and resources. To that end, we may use any of your anonymized (meaning we remove identifying information) information from either of the above categories or beyond, to analyze, iterate, and improve our experiences.
9. This anonymized data may be shared with 3rd party partners for the SOLE purpose of education and research.
10. This data will never be provided to any 3rd party organization or advertiser, for free, barter, or sale, EVER, to better target or market any product or service to you.